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Lord of eternity The mystery behind the veil
祢是永恆的主 萬代隱藏奧秘
Lord over Heaven and earth God of Israel
祢是天地上的主 以色列真神
Come with Your wisdom and power
Clothed in Your honor and strength
Lord, hear the cry of our hearts
主 請聽我們呼求
Come, O conquering king
And every eye will see Your glory fill the sky
萬民都要看見 祢榮耀已彰顯
Adonai Adonai
Adonai Adonai
Every knee will bow to You, Lord most high
萬膝要跪拜 萬口都承認
Adonai Adonai
Adonai Adonai
You alone are God, Every tongue will cry
惟有祢是神 全能至高主
Here Jerusalem waits Praises lifted on high
耶路撒冷等待 向祢讚美敬拜
Here the beautiful gates Long to see You arise
神啊 願祢興起 眾城門為祢開
When all of Zion sings Baruch ha ba b’shem
錫安 全地聽見 Baruch ha ba b’shem
You are Lord over all the earth (x2)
祢掌權在全地之上 (x2)
感謝神 讚美、榮耀歸給阿爸父神
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